We're here to bring fun to car newsletters!

Are you ready for entertainment and education??

Hey guys,

I’m excited to announce that Rare Car Market is now under new management.

And everything is about to be 10x better:

We will be bringing you:

  • entertaining and educational stories

  • that you can share with your car friends

  • along with jokes, memes, and bad puns

And guess what - everything will be written by me!! 
(not chatGPT)

But who am I even? I’ll tell you more in the future 🤝 
But for now:

  • I’ve got ADHD so I hate boring content

    • benefit for you: interesting stories only

  • I’m a petrolhead at heart (both cars and bikes)

    • benefit for you: I speak the same language as you

  • I’ve been writing newsletters for over a year

    • benefit for you: I know how to write well

Why did I take over Rare Car Market?

Because I love the car world.
I’ve been thinking of ways to get involved.

When I connected with the Rare Car Market team, I saw too many ways to improve what’s being built.

I just HAD to get involved!

So here I am, bring you fun through emails!!
Are you also excited???

The first one is coming on Friday!!

It’ll be a roundup of interesting stories from this week.

In the future we’ll have various content pieces like:

  • dedicated deep dives to car models and brands

  • interviews with industry leaders

  • tips and tricks

  • and more

This newsletter will be community-led.

I want to know what you like.

And I will give you such content 🤝 

Because it’s all about you!

Sooo, what do you say?? Fancy tagging along?

If so, I’ll see you tomorrow!

If not, below is the button to unsubscribe.